Booking FAQs
Booking a Test
To book your HiSET test, you need to check the requirements for taking the HiSET in your state or jurisdiction to make sure you’re eligible to take it. Then you can find a test center near you, set up your myHiSET account, and book your test.
How to Schedule
How you schedule varies by state. Some locations allow scheduling only through test centers, while others also allow you to schedule online through your myHiSET account.
If you know you won’t be able to go to your appointment, you can re-book it. Rescheduling includes changing the date, time or test center. How you re-book your appointment depends on where you’re testing. To find out how to re-book, see your State Requirements.
Make sure you re-book your appointment 24 hours before your scheduled test, and that the new test date is less than 12 months from the date you bought the subtest. (You have 12 months from the day you schedule your appointment to take the exam). You also will have to re-book your test in the same format. You can’t switch between computer-delivered and paper-delivered testing. If you want to change the format, you’ll need to cancel your test and purchase a new one.
Cancelling an Appointment
You can cancel your appointment any time, but you’ll only be eligible for a refund of your test fee if you cancel it 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. If you cancel your appointment, local test center fees and state fees are not refundable.
How you cancel your appointment depends on where you’re testing. To find out how to cancel an appointment, see your State Requirements.
Re-taking a Subtest
If you do not meet the minimum HiSET score requirements, you may take a subtest up to three times in a calendar year. This includes your initial appointment and two re-takes. All scheduling, re-scheduling, and exam fees will vary based on where you’re testing.
Each state or jurisdiction has its own policies for re-taking a test. To find specific guidance for your area and to learn how to schedule your new appointment, see your State Requirements.
Selecting a Location
Test In-Person
After you have set up your account, your next step is to find a location to take the HiSET® exam. The HiSET exam is offered at various test locations, that could include community colleges and adult learning facilities, so you have lots of choices for where to take it. The exam can be taken on most days when the test centers are open.
Test at Home
With HiSET at Home, you can take the exam online at a secure location. But you need to determine if your computer, WiFi and location is a good fit to take online.
Payment Policies
If you schedule online
You can pay by:
– Debit card or credit card (American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard®, VISA® or JCB)
– HiSET Test Voucher
You have to pay for the exam when you schedule it. If you only have cash, you can purchase a VISA, MasterCard or American Express gift card. If you’re purchasing a prepaid credit card or gift card, make sure the card can be used for online purchases.
If you schedule by phone
You can pay by:
– Debit card or credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, VISA or JCB)
– HiSET Test Voucher
If you schedule at a test center
Payment policies vary by test center. Call your test center to ask what payment methods they accept.
Refund Policies
You’re eligible for a full refund of your test fee if you cancel by 11:59 p.m. local time the day before your scheduled appointment. Any fees that were paid to the state, jurisdiction or test center are nonrefundable.
You won’t receive a refund for rescheduling your appointment since you’re still going to take the exam. Depending on where you take the exam or how many times you’ve re-booked, there may be a fee to re-book your appointment. For more information, see State Requirements.

Everything test takers need to know about the HiSET.
For a complete overview of everything you need to know about the HiSET high school equivalency test and credential, download the official HiSET Test Taker Bulletin.