Preparing Test Takers
Test prep for test takers
In addition to helping your students schedule their appointments and preparing them for test day, you can also help them by guiding them to helpful HiSET resources. The HiSET program offers a variety of free and low-cost prep materials to help test takers get ready for the exam, including an Official Guide to the HiSET Exam, practice tests and more. We also offer test preparation materials in accessible formats for the HiSET exam.
Test prep providers and additional materials
For the convenience of test takers, the HiSET program has compiled a list of several test preparation providers and products that may help test takers prepare for the exam. As additional materials become available from these or other vendors, they will be added to the list.
Scheduling Test Appointments
Test takers may need your assistance with scheduling test appointments. You can help them create their accounts, or you can create accounts for them through your HiSET® account for administrators. It will just depend on which state or jurisdiction your test center is in.