Once your site is approved by your state, we provide training that teaches HiSET test administration procedures, test security issues and processes, arranging for and understanding disability accommodations, registering and supporting test takers, accessing online resources and more.
Chief Examiners and Test Administrators are responsible for the overall quality of the testing program at their HiSET test center. Their responsibility is to uphold the integrity of the HiSET program by effectively organizing and overseeing the test administration process. Their most important role is to provide a secure environment that is fair for all test takers.
HiSET Chief Examiner Qualifications
HiSET Chief Examiners should:
– Hold at least a bachelor’s degree from a nationally accredited college or university
– Have at least three years of experience in teaching, training, counseling or testing; or college-level coursework in those fields
– Not be involved in high school equivalency instruction
HiSET Test Administrator Qualifications
HiSET Test Administrators should:
– Have some experience in administering standardized tests
– Speak fluent English
– Be at least 18 years of age or older
– Have the ability to complete forms and to read directions clearly to test takers
– Possess unquestionable integrity and be able to handle groups of test takers in an effective, efficient and friendly manner
– Not be involved in high school equivalency instruction
Your HiSET® Account
Approved test centers are granted access to HiSET accounts by the State Administrator. Through your account, you can:
- Create accounts for test takers
- Enter appointment information for test takers (in some states or jurisdictions)
- View scheduled appointments and print test day rosters
- Check in test takers for paper-delivered tests
- View and print test-taker scores
- Access order details for all appointments including payment
Importance of Security
The security of test materials is critical in order to uphold the integrity of the exam. From the moment your site becomes a state-authorized test center, from the administration of the exam and until test materials are safely returned to the HiSET program for scoring, test center staff are fully responsible for:
- Protecting the tests from loss or unauthorized access
- Preventing a test taker from having an unfair advantage or disadvantage